So I've got a bit of down time so I thought I'd update y'all on life in Paris!
Had a blast with mom, gma and uncle while they were here but unfortunately didn't have a lot of time to spend with them. I had orientation from saturday to the following sunday so it sort of consumed me but a few meals here and there as well as some sightseeing was squeezed in. We had a fabulous day at the Opera Garnier (pics to come), a nightmare shopping adventure at Bazar Hotel De Ville (which mom would probably refute), and a trip to the Madeleine.
They came and went way too quickly but luckily I have been plenty busy to not be missing them too much (yet!!).
The day before school started, Sunday, I took a day trip to Provins, not to be confused with Provence, which is on the border of Champagne and Il-de-france. (again, pictures to come). It was a great little medieval town but far too cold for me to not complain 85% of the time. Typical.
I am very excited about my classes and am even more excited to have declared a major that I actually like! I have decided on Urban studies, which is a branch of the history dept and shares core classes with the art history majors. My advising professor is great and encouraged me to take his summer school class in Switzerland, which I am highly considering. He also suggested a semester at AUPs sister school, the Eugene Lang new school in NYC, which again, am highly considering.
As far as classes, I have a Paris architecture class which I already love. My teacher is so passionate and has so many fabulous pictures from his travels that it makes 2 class periods at 4 hours each less monotonous. In this class, we have one lecture period and one walking period. As to say that one class is on campus and the other is a walking tour of the city. So looking forward to this!
Another class I enjoy is my modern city class. My professor is a kiwi from the lang school in ny and the class size is 5 girls including myself. I already really like it even though we have only met once this week.
My third class is philosophy in the city, taught by a brit who dangerously resembles Jude Law. Ive heard horror stories about this class but am keeping an open mind!
And lastly of course is my french class. Nothing to say about it yet.
I have been so lucky to meet such great kids so far. In each class I probably have about 6 different nationalities, and my largest class is of 20 so that goes to say. The majority of my friends are just visiting from san francisco but I can tell I will keep in touch with them for years to come. I have oddly met a few kids whom i have friends in common with/ are from orange county. My best girlfriend so far is this gorgeous girl from Madrid who is the sweetest you can imagine and not to mention has an insane wardrobe and has been attending fashion week. Brat. We are already talking about moving in together next semester in the 6eme or 4eme which I could not be more excited about!
I signed up for a study trip to Champagne for the weekend of the 27th which I am looking forward to and am planning a trip to Prague, Morocco and Amsterdam for the time being.
I am so loving life and wish I could share some photos. This time around is so much different than last time and I cannot wait to see where this semester takes me. I feel like I am going to be so much more open minded and learn so much from these great peers of mine who seem years beyond their age. This school has so far been the perfect choice for me and I finally don't feel like I am missing out on anything in life because there are so many like minded people here that truly make me believe this is my home for at least the next two years.
Until next time
the new and improved CRose