Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bonafied Lovin

I never wear my hair up! Its just one of those kind of days I guess. Getting out of the house to get my Mac fixed. The microphone is broken which makes it VERY inconvenient seeing as I was relying heavily on Skypeing with the fam while I am abroad. Anyone know where to buy a microphone separately?
Jacket: ArdenB
Shirt: Danskin Now (The fibers keep in the heat!)
Shorts: Forever21
Tights: Hue Opaque. Honestly the only kind I wear. They are amazing!
Scarf as Belt: Marc Jacobs Vintage
Bag: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Boots: Migliorini
Until next time


  1. i bought you one for xmas, babykins

  2. it was my internal microphone on my actual computer that was broken, not for my ipod, but I got it fixed! Yay
